
OAK BC5220 TC5204

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Our experts will not only demonstrate products, provide an opportunity to examine them, but also to assess your home conditions, explain the differences between the different types of floor and advise you what the floor would be more suitable.

These parquet boards are glued using two layers of wood. The upper layer of 4 mm thickness hardwood is the wearable floor layer, lamella may be lacquered or oiled depending on the selected surface treatment. The durability, resistance of flooring, its maintenance requirements and, of course, its appearance depends on the characteristics of this layer. The lower layer of 9 or 12 mm thickness is made of the conductive and water resistant birch plywood, which main function is the stability of a parquet board and its protection against deformation. Thanks to their double-layered structure, the parquet boards are resistant to environmental impacts, heat, cold, humidity, they do not expand, do not shrink, and do not warp, therefore are perfectly suitable for heated floors. It is environmentally friendly, reliable, natural and durable flooring, giving the room a luxurious appearance, comfort and sense of cosiness.